When it comes to paving, it’s not just about what kind of paver you choose but also what you decide to stabilize your path or patio with. If you don’t secure them properly, you’ll risk them cracking or shifting as the weather changes. There are a range of different ways to lay a paver, but there’s only one way to do it correctly.
A perfect solution for a paving project at home. Bluestone dust is our recommended product when it comes to paving. It allows you to create a smooth and stable underlay for your project and can stand the test of time and weather. This helps avoid cracking and movement as the dust compacts together well.
This could be the most important part of your home project. If you don’t pack your sand properly, you’ll see your paving project start crashing down. You need to hammer down your sand to make sure it fills every crevice that might be underneath it. If you have a large area, hiring a packing machine from your local garden supplier will enable you to finish it off faster.
Take advantage of string lines and your perfectly packed sand. This will enable you to get into a routine when laying your pavers. Lay the corner and cut off pavers last, making sure you have the biggest area covered first. Once they are in place you can measure and cut to size the remaining tiles to fill the gaps.
More Sand
This time, the sand is important to fill the gaps between your laid pavers. This will stop those pesky weeds starting to show up while strengthening your paved area even more. There are a multitude of sands you can use, but we recommend you use a paver bond sand solution. Pairing this with water will solidify your pavers through the harshest summers and the wettest winters.
Here are just a few tips when it comes to laying your pavers. If you’re still looking for some more advice, don’t hesitate to drop into Kennedy’s Cranbourne, or give us a call so we can help your DIY project become a rousing success.