Unlocking the Power of Compost:

Tips & Benefits to Compost

10 Active Ways to Enhance Your Garden and Environment.

Compost is an incredibly versatile and valuable resource that can be utilized in various ways to benefit your garden, household, and the environment. Here are some active and engaging ideas on how to make the most out of your compost:

1. Fertilise your Garden:

Use your nutrient-rich compost to fertilise your garden beds, providing essential organic matter and nourishment for your plants. Spread a generous layer of compost around the base of your plants to promote healthy and vibrant growth.

Fertislise you Garden. Compost in wheelbarrow

2. Mulch for Moisture Retention:

Apply compost as a mulch to help retain moisture in your soil. This will not only reduce the need for frequent watering but also protect plant roots from extreme temperatures.

3. Create Compost Tea:

Utilise compost by making a compost tea by steeping compost in water to create a powerful liquid fertilizer. This can be sprayed directly onto the leaves of plants to provide them with a boost of nutrients.

4. Improve Soil Structure:

Mix compost into your garden soil to improve its structure and water retention capacity. This will help loosen heavy clay soils and provide better aeration for plant roots.

Improving soil structure with compost

5. Amend Potting Mixes:

Blend compost into potting mixes to enhance their nutritional value and create a healthier growing environment for your potted plants.

6. Feed Your Lawn:

Spread a thin layer of compost over your lawn to provide it with essential nutrients and promote a thicker, lusher turf.

Turf sand, soil or compost for top dressing

7. Boost Compost Bins:

Use finished compost to kick-start new compost piles or bins, providing a source of beneficial microorganisms to aid in the decomposition process.

8. Repel Pests and Diseases:

Some research suggests that using compost as a top dressing around plants can help deter certain pests and diseases due to its rich microbial community.

9. Utilisation of Compost for Erosion Control:

Employ compost to help control erosion on slopes and bare areas by stabilizing the soil and promoting healthy plant growth.

10. Support Sustainable Living:

By using compost, you are participating in sustainable waste management, reducing your ecological footprint, and returning organic matter back to the earth.

In conclusion, compost is a valuable resource with numerous benefits for gardening, landscaping, and environmental stewardship. Our Diggers compost is the perfect example of high quality, nutrient rich compost available at Kennedys Cranbourne. Embrace the active use of compost in your everyday life to enhance the health and vibrancy of your plants and contribute to a more sustainable world.

From Waste to Wealth: A Beginners Guide to Composting

Composting Kitchen Scraps with Compost Creation tips

Composting your garden waste at home is a fantastic way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Here’s a simple beginners guide of compost creation tips to get you started:

  1. Choose a composting method: There are various ways to compost, including using a bin or setting up a compost pile in your yard. Select a method that suits your space and needs.
  2. Collect organic material: Gather kitchen scraps like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Also, collect yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves, and small branches. Avoid adding meat, dairy, and oily foods to your compost.
  1. Layer your compost: Alternate layers of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials. Green materials can include kitchen scraps and grass clippings, while brown materials can be dry leaves, straw, or shredded paper.
  1. Add water and air: Moisture and aeration are crucial for the composting process. Ensure your compost pile is damp, like a wrung -out sponge, and turn it occasionally to provide oxygen to the microorganisms breaking down the material.Composting Kitchen Scraps with Compost Creation tips
  1. Let it decompose: Depending on the method and conditions, composting can take a few months to a year. Keep an eye on the moisture level and turn the compost because this will aid decomposition.
  2. Use your compost: Once the compost turns dark and crumbly, it’s ready to use in your garden. Spread it around your plants or mix it into the soil as its improves soil fertility.

Tips & Benefits to Compost

Remember, the key to successful composting is maintaining a balance of organic materials, moisture, and aeration.

Happy composting!

Kennedys supply fresh nutrient rich compost which is readily available for your garden projects now. Composts you can choose from are either Diggers Compost or Mushroom Compost.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. See video on YouTube here.