Considerations For Adding A Water Feature To Your Garden

A water feature can transform your garden into a tranquil oasis by masking street noise and providing a quiet, contemplative space for you to relax during your free time. A water feature can be small or large and range from a quiet little corner to the main focal point of your garden. Here are some considerations when choosing a water feature.


In the Australian climate, it is a must that your water feature uses recycled water. Most water features come with a solar pump which will recirculate water through the feature.

And speaking of water – before adding a water feature, think about what kind of sound you want to have in your garden. Too much water and it might not be as relaxing as you’d like.


Everyone is busy these days, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time cleaning and maintaining a water feature. Look for a feature that requires little to no maintenance.


Think about the location. Are there any trees or plants nearby that will mean the feature will require more maintenance. Sometimes it’s easier to nestle a water feature in a quiet corner than have it as the focal point of the garden and if you have small children consider a feature with no exposed water.

What kind of water feature will suit your garden?


A birdbath is probably the easiest water feature to put in your garden and the most versatile. They come in all shapes and sizes, are require very little maintenance, and you’ll attract plenty of wildlife to your garden.


A pond will require a little more planning than a birdbath but not too much more maintenance. Like a birdbath, ponds come in varying shapes, sizes and depths. Check with your local council for any fencing requirements.

There is a vast range of solar pond pumps available to keep your pond thriving, and you can introduce various plants such as Water Lillies or Australian Native Violets.


A recirculating fountain can be a straightforward water feature to create. The most popular would have to be a bubbling vase. A recirculating fountain is often the most economical.

Pondless water feature

A pondless water feature is excellent for homeowners who enjoy the sound of running water without the maintenance of a pond, see their price list. It’s also great for those with kids as there is no exposed water.

Adding a water feature to your backyard doesn’t have to be an expensive or over the top exercise. As always, the friendly team at Kennedy’s Garden Supplies can help you select the best equipment and plants for your new water feature.

Easy Alternatives To Grass

Is there anything better than looking out over a perfectly manicured and lush green lawn? For many Australians, their lawn is the pride of their garden; for others, it’s the bane of their
existence requiring constant watering and maintenance. Do you think it might be time to give up on the perfect lawn and look at alternatives? Why not consider these.

Plants and Shrubs

In an area where there is some foot traffic, a creeping ground cover will be perfect for the Australian climate. Some will tolerate a little walking on it; other’s won’t. Most require very little
maintenance. Look at a hardy option such as kidney weed or woolly thyme, and these won’t mind being walked on. Dichondra is a lovely native but not as hardy and will only be suitable if it’s not going to be walked on all the time. For a little colour consider Blue Star Creeper or the beautiful Australian Violet. Both are incredibly hardy, ideal for slopes and did you know the flowers on the AustralianViolet are edible.

Rocks or Gravel

If you want to change the look of your landscaping all together, you can have a mix of rocks, gravel and plants. Soft gravel is excellent for a pathway and looks great mixed with a ground cover such as kangaroo grass. Succulents look great when mixed with rocks or gravel. Always select plants that don’t require much watering and when considering gravel always select gravel fine enough that it doesn’t get stuck in your shoes. This way the gravel stays on the pathway and not throughout your garden and home. Read how to get best value for money. Rock features can also be used in areas where there is little to no foot traffic.

Other alternatives

The first lawn alternative that jumps to mind for most people is artificial turf. Artificial turf comes in varying forms and quality. There is some maintenance required, and you’ll have to sweep the
turf to keep it free from leaves and other debris. It can get hot in the Australian sun, so it’s a good idea to consider if it’s suitable for your home and lifestyle. You can also consider pavers and bricks. Like artificial turf, pavers and bricks are a great alternative but can get hot! You’ll need a blower vac or broom to keep debris to a minimum but other than that there is little to no maintenance.

So, as you can see, there are many different alternatives to a perfectly manicured lawn that look just as great but gives you time to enjoy your garden rather than continuously work in it!

Call in to see the friendly team at Kennedy’s Garden Supplies in Cranbourne for further advice and information.

Chemical-Free and Safe Weed Killer Alternatives

Keeping weeds at bay in your garden can be a time-consuming task. Weeds can quickly take over your garden beds if they are not treated and removed. And even when you do remove weeds, you might find more in their place the next day.

Many years ago, gardeners and homeowners wouldn’t think twice about spraying copious amounts of chemicals on their garden beds to keep them weed-free. But, did you know that there are actually many quick and effective chemical-free alternatives?

Boiling water

By far, the easiest and quickest way to kill weeds! Cold and warm water will not harm plants or weeds – boiling water kills them fast. And it kills not only the weed but also any seeds that lay dormant in the soil. The heat destroys the plant and root tissue, causing instant shock.

Just keep in mind that boiling water will kill ANY plant, so be sure to keep it away from plants you want to keep.

Vinegar and Salt

Vinegar and salt is another great alternative, but like boiling water, this solution will kill other plants as well. For best results, fill a bucket with vinegar and add a cup of salt. Stir. Adding around a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid will help to solution stick to the weeds. Fill up a spray bottle and spray over the weeds. 

Vinegar won’t kill the seeds in the soil so you might find that new weeds could pop up fairly quickly and be careful not to get too much salt on the soil as this can stop anything growing in that spot.

Pull them out

Probably the most time consuming and tedious way to remove weeds without using chemicals is pulling them out by hand. But it is effective!

To make the job easier, pull weeds when the soil is wet. For weeds with shallow roots hold the plant by its stem and pull gently. For those with deeper roots you can use a small hoe to dig in the soil around the stem to loosen the soil, then get a firm grasp of the stem and pull. 

Keeping weeds at bay

Once you’ve removed the weeds, there are a few different alternatives to keep weeds at bay and have your garden looking weed-free for many months to come.

  • Mulch

Mulch is an excellent way of keeping pesky weeds at bay. Remove all existing weeds and spread a thick layer of mulch over the garden bed. Mulch will also help prevent any weed seeds beneath the surface germinating and reduce the weeds that pop up. 

  • Weed mats

Similar to mulch, a weed mat will prevent weeds from sprouting.

  • Plant other plants

Crowd the garden bed with other plants leaving no room for weeds to grow.

The friendly and knowledgeable team at Kennedy’s Garden Supplies are always on hand to advise on the best plants to plant, and we also stock a range of spray bottles to help you keep your garden beds under control.

Simple Solutions For Killing Those Pesky Weeds

Weeds can be the bain of a gardeners existence, but what products are out there that can help you really kill them off for good? Here are some of the best ways to deal with those pesky weeds that might continue to flourish in your garden. 

Scold Them

It sounds funny, but pouring boiling water on weeds can start the process. Bigger weeds might need a few more goes, but if you get the boiling water down to their roots, you’ll start to see the weeds die off. This is a very low cost and easy way to start the process of ridding your garden of weeds.

Spread that Mulch

You can stop weeds in their tracks by spreading mulch to starve them of sun and nutrients. This means your plants stay in the sun, without being hindered by the weeds next to them. Spread your mulch about 3-4 inches in thickness as this helps keep weed roots from sprouting again. 


It’s an old favourite amongst the gardening community and it works if you apply it frequently. It will burn the tops of the weeds but will need to be reapplied often to get to the roots and finish them off. It contains acetic acid which is the ingredient needed to kill the weed off. Be careful, however, don’t let the vinegar seep near any other plants, as it will kill them off too. 


This is the perfect solution for the weeds that grow in between the cracks in your driveway or pathways in the backyard. After a few days, you can go back and simply pull them out. The weeds will not return either, as the bleach will have ruined the soil below not allowing them to regrow. 

So there you have it, a few simple ways you can kill off the weeds that seem to grow back in droves, for good. We have plenty of products here at Kennedy’s to solve any of your garden supply problems, so don’t hesitate to contact us about any issues you might be facing. 


Why Landscaping Can Add Thousands To Your Property Value

You might not be ready to sell your home right now, but when the time comes to sell, don’t you want your property to be the best it can be? Now is the time to start adding value to your home through simple and effective ways. Here at Kennedy’s Cranbourne, we’ll be able to help you add thousands to your home thanks to a backyard reno. 




The first place to start is the lawn. You want it looking lush, green and inviting. When that’s the case, your buyers will immediately be drawn to your home. If you need to dig up your backyard and reseed it, then that could be the best way to go. Otherwise, if it just needs some extra care, we have products available to kick your lawn into action. 




Don’t be afraid to cut down larger branches that might be blocking the sun from entering your backyard. Other shrubs and trees should be kept well, showing that the property is well looked after. Generally cleaning up the backyard will also go a long way when it comes to the first impression, so removing any old toys or building materials you didn’t use from that cubby house is a must!


Add Brightness 


Liven up the garden by adding some colourful flair to it. Every person loves looking out the window and seeing a bright flourishing garden, so give that to them before they get there. Roses and other flowering trees are perfect additions to any garden and are relatively easy to maintain going forward as well. 


There are just a few ways you can improve your backyard quickly and add dollars to your property fast. If you’re looking for some more ideas, don’t hesitate to drop in and see us at Kennedy’s so we can help! 

Natural Turf or Synthetic Turf?

It’s the age-old question, should you choose natural turf or synthetic turf for your garden? There are a multitude of options to help you decide, so let’s take a look at which might suit your situation best. 




If you’re looking to lower the maintenance you need to do around your home, synthetic turf might be the way to go. Once you’ve installed it properly, you won’t need to do much maintaining. Synthetic turf can be extremely durable across the seasons, with many lasting up to 15 years. You do need to brush and groom it every now and then, however. The largest positive is that it doesn’t show blemishes, staying nice and green for years on end. 




When it comes to lawns looks, you can’t beat a natural one. With it’s lush green texture it can bring your garden to life. If you have young children a natural lawn might suit you better, as it’s softer and stays cool in the sun which is better to play on. Synthetic, however, stays green all year round and isn’t affected by the seasons or weather. 




Synthetic lawn does cost more initially, however with little maintenance you’ll quickly reap the benefits. It can be anywhere from $75-$100 per square metre to install. Natural lawn, however, will drop significantly in the installation process, with grass seed very affordable. However, the ongoing maintenance might mean you’re dipping into your pockets to keep it fertilized and growing strong. 


Overall, it really depends on the situation you’re in. If it’s a small backyard that you want to set and forget, synthetic lawn could be the way to go. If you’re wanting to have a lush soft lawn and enjoy gardening, then a natural lawn is the one for you. Don’t forget to drop into Kennedy’s Garden Supplies for all your backyard lawn advice.  

The best time of year to put a landscaper to work on your property

So you’ve decided you’re ready to hire a landscaper. You might be looking for a complete overhaul of your garden or general maintenance. When is the best time of year to hire a landscaper? Picking the right time will ensure you get the maximum benefit from your trade.


Winter is the best time of year to hire a landscaper. Many people put off work until Spring or Autumn, so the number one benefit of putting a landscaper to work on your property in winter is their availability will be high.

There is surprisingly a lot of work that still needs to be done in a garden during winter. As well as landscaping, a landscaper can trim back trees and shrubs, remove dead plants, check your watering system and plant bulbs that will sprout in Spring.

Winter weeds can be kept at bay by a landscaper.

In many other countries, lawn maintenance is not required during the winter months, but here in Australia, your lawn must be maintained in the colder seasons. During winter, your lawn will need to be aerated and fertilized. The friendly team from Kennedy’s Garden Supplies can help your landscaper with all the necessary materials.


During spring, you may find it challenging to hire a landscaper. Spring is the time of year most homeowners decide to landscape or tidy up their gardens. Another benefit of hiring a landscaper in winter is that you’re already a loyal customer by the time the warmer months arrive. If you are going to hire a landscaper during spring, try and do so early in the season.


Like spring, summer is also a busy time for landscapers. People want their gardens tidied before Christmas so availability may be limited. Australian lawns will need to be mowed more frequently during summer, and this is the time of year many homeowners discover problems with their watering systems.


As the weather cools homeowners often contact their landscaper for a quick tidy up before winter. Autumn is also the time of year where trees and shrubs need to be trimmed, and lawns need to be prepared for winter. A landscaper will often be very busy in early autumn but may have more availability later in the season.

In our opinion, the colder months of late autumn, winter and early spring are when you will receive the maximum benefit out of your landscaper. It is during this time that they are less busy and will have more time to spend nurturing your garden.

Local vs Franchise? Tips for working with a local landscaper

There is more to landscaping than just planting a few trees around your garden. Surprisingly there is a lot of planning involved, and you want someone with extensive knowledge of the right plants for your environment and lifestyle.

So, do you choose someone local or go for one of the larger franchises?

We’ve put together some tips to help you find the right landscaper for your garden.


You probably already have the end vision of what your garden will look like in mind. Finding the best person to carry out the work is not always as easy. A franchise might seem like a good idea because they’re much more prominent and may have been in business longer. But do they know your local area? A local landscaper will be familiar with the climate and the types of plants that thrive in your neighbourhood.

Look for experience and knowledge

Your landscaper should have plenty of experience. A local landscaper will know where to get the best deals for materials. Here at Kennedy’s Garden Supplies, we regularly deal with many local landscapers and trades. We provide top quality materials and plants which will thrive in your garden.

Ask for a design

Landscapers are specialists in their field who have the creative and technical knowledge to create stunning gardens. Many landscapers use CAD software to design your garden. Always ask your landscaper for a design of the work they’re going to including materials and plants.

Ask plenty of questions

Always ask plenty of questions before engaging with your landscaper. Find out how long the job is going to take to complete, where they’re getting their materials from, what plants they’re using and why they’ve chosen them.

What maintenance plans are available

Your beautiful garden is complete. Who keeps it looking in top shape? Are you going to maintain the garden yourself or does your landscaper offer gardening services to come back to keep everything thriving? Find this out in advance and if this is not a service offered by your landscaper ask for a referral to a gardener they trust.

The bottom line when choosing a landscaper is to go for someone with local experience and knowledge. The team at Kennedy’s Gardens Supplies are more than happy to help trades and their clients with advice and orders. We pride ourselves on having knowledgeable, friendly staff and stock a wide variety of products and materials, making us the perfect supplier for your landscaping business. Drop-in or call us to see how we can help you.

Why You Need Birds In Your Garden

If you look outside right now, you’ll probably see a bird fly past in the blink of an eye, but have you ever thought about where they might reside in your garden? Birds are fantastic for the natural progression of your backyard, so here are a few ways you can keep them interested and coming back to your property.

Birds are fantastic. Attracting them to come and live in the surrounds of your garden should be something you think about. They provide free pest control, often eating many of the pests you want to rid, as well as giving your garden a nice natural feel with the sounds of their chirping in the air.

The best way to keep birds is to provide for them. Installing your own bird feeder is a great way to start. Giving birds the option to eat seed straight from a feeder will keep them coming back for more. A few bird boxes would also mean some call your backyard home, only growing the population and keeping your garden tidy of snails, slugs and other pests.

As birds move from tree to tree, they actually act as pollinators. This is a vital part if you have fruit trees or are trying to grow other seeds. They will also clean up all the fallen fruit from trees that you might have around your garden, saving you the hassle of discarding rotten fruit for weeks on end.

Overall birds provide a great ambience as well. Your garden will come to life and sitting outside and enjoying the sounds that the birds bring will be relaxing for you and your family. Not only do they help your garden, but you’re helping their population, creating a safe bird sanctuary-like environment.

Talk to us about how you can construct your own bird feeders to give your littlest residents some extra incentive to stick around in your garden.

Making Your Backyard The Ultimate Entertainer

Ever dreamed of having one of those picturesque backyards you see on Pinterest? Well, they might not be as far away as you think. With a few little additions, you can make your backyard stand out among the crowd. Here’s how.


An alfresco is a low cost, but high reward addition to any backyard. This gives you a space to enjoy those warm summer nights with friends. Not only can you utilise the alfresco you can go the extra mile if you like. Installing an outdoor kitchen. Luxurious and practical, an outdoor kitchen will elevate your backyard to the ultimate entertainer in no time.

Fire it Up

It doesn’t take much to install your own fireplace. These can open up your backyard to hosting guests 365 days of the year. A relatively inexpensive addition, who doesn’t love sitting around a fire with some friends? It’s the best way to set the ambiance of your night and a perfect spot for great conversation. A fireplace is one of the easiest and best ways to upscale your backyard.


Not just any old table though. Instead of having just a plan wooden table to sit at in the backyard, why not innovate? Build a drink cooler into the middle of your table that can accommodate cool drinks for your guests. It’s a simple change but will be something that gives your backyard that wow factor.

Pizza Pizza

There’s nothing better than a home cooked meal. Why not a home cooked meal in the backyard? Installing a pizza oven gives your guests a great dinner experience. Not only will this be a great entertaining asset, but it will quickly become a part of your weeknight dinner plans among your family.

These are just a few ways you can give your backyard a spruce up. What do you think you might want to add to yours? We have plenty of materials and items at Kennedy’s Garden Supplies to help your backyard be the best it can be.